Saturday, October 23, 2010

Out of the mouths of babes ...

Nothing much to write, but after a day spent taking the ferry to Vancouver, shopping at IKEA, hanging out on Granville Islands at my favourite shops, and seeing a production of Don Quixote at the Arts Club Theatre, I just overheard the best question and answer between a dad and his son as they were coming out of the video arcade on the ferry.

Son, with a perplexed look on his scrunched up little face, "Dad, how come there isn't any more money?"

Dad, quietly shaking his head, "Sometimes that's just the way it is, buddy."

They were too far away to hear if the boy made any further inquiries, but it seems likely given his age that "Why?" was the next step in that conversation.  I wonder what the dad's response was to that one.