Sunday, June 05, 2011

Deer in the city

There’s something pretty amazing about living in a city where deer wander around and are practically tame.

I'd been busy sticking my earbuds in my ear and fiddling with my mp3 player, only keeping half paying attention to whether there were any cars on the dead end street off a dead end street where I live. I looked up and there was a doe standing in a neighbour's driveway, quiet and still as could be, just staring at me.

I stopped in my tracks and stared back, enjoying the moment. As I pulled out my phone, I actually said out loud, "Can I take your picture?" Okay, maybe that was a little silly, but somehow it seemed polite and I guess the answer was yes since she stayed perfectly still. I took my picture and started to walk on. She turned her head to follow me with her eyes and as long as I could still see her she was still watching.

It made me wonder what would happen if she followed me to the bus stop. I don't think they'd let her on the bus, and she definitely wouldn't like it downtown. But it did make a fun picture for my morning, the deer commuter. Or maybe ... "Hey boss, look what followed me to work. Can we keep it?"

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